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Smaller Static References

Status: New

How about a right mouse click option to hide the datatype text in a static reference? Since we have the datatype color, it is a bit redundant anyway. Here's an idea:




Proven Zealot

There are several cases where the text is not redundant (sub-panel or any VI Server reference, complex clusters have the same colour as a String and so on).


I'm not sure it's such a good idea.

Active Participant
I do agree that the complex cluster might get confused with a string in the example I gave, but if it was a right-mouse-click option, then you could always show the datatype text. Another bad one is RadioButtonsControl, which is huge as a reference (as long as four VI's) and would benefit from my idea, BUT the border color is same as a integer. More thought is needed, but I still think the idea has legs.

Proven Zealot
Agreed, anything which reclaims otherwise badly needed BD space is welcome.  Just better not at the cost of readability.
A via media solution is: Show only left most/ right most N characters of the adapter text- based on a Labview preferences option set by the user. If one wants complete text, temporarily pop it up like tool tips or like  "FP Description& Tip" - as mouse  hovers over the BD Object.
Knight of NI
It could be like name format format for property nodes: no name, short name, long name.
Trusted Enthusiast





As the original idea was proposed, it had "Visible Labels", which I highly regard in VI's. I would hate to see those itty-bitty (meaningless) 16x16px references shotgunned all over a VI without a label! (Just as I hate to see other ref's without labels! At least the default on creation is to show labels)


There's just something about having meaningful, visible variable names associated with the reference that cannot be turned off that turns me on. Think local variables: how would you like to see blank boxes all over a FP?


I'll add this: the newbie argument is not going to cut it, saying the newbie needs to see the words "String" and "Numeric". By the time you're passing refs around in your VI's, you don't need to be reminded with ambiguous text the general datatype you're passing around. (Is the Blue Numeric U8, I8, I32...?) 


Overall, excellent idea Broken Arrow. Never, ever noticed until now, but you're right! A programmer who even begins to dabble with refs to FP controls can find no useful information in the text currently shown today.

Trusted Enthusiast
Further, the term "Digital" is misleading! I think of RPM as analog... don't you?
Knight of NI Knight of NI
Knight of NI
OK, mechelecengr, you really have to change your name. As someone who grew up playing computer games in the early 90's I have an automatic instinct to call you Jordan every time I want to respond. How about M.E. Eng.?
Anyway, Jordan, I really like the lables-in-refs idea.

Try to take over the world!
Active Participant
Great idea mechelecengr. Spot on. I wouldn't dream of NOT showing the label with a Ref, so your idea integrates that concept. And I agree, "Digital" has always been misleading inside an orange border!

Knight of NI
mechelecengr has the right idea:  label names instead of type text.

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