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Wire Label default style >......>

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 3 kudos within 3 years after posting will be automatically declined.

Hi Friends,


When I try to have the wire lable for every wires that I used in block diagram, every time I need to use >....> . Why can we have a default symbol with the control lable included when we insert an label into wire.




Ganesha Moorthy A

Active Participant

Kudos for the spirit of the idea.


Personally I don't think we necessarily need the ">" symbols at each end, but some visual cue that we're looking at a wire label would be great. Even simply making the label text a mid-grey colour would be a good start.

Knight of NI

Doens't that just make the label longer and use more space?

Seems redundant to surround wire label names with extra characters.

Why do you need this? Do you have a lot of backward wires that you need to label instead with "<...<"?

Active Participant

My view is that also represents the data flow in the LabVIEW. So people who are new to LabVIEW will have an better examples and better view on how the code works easily.


The Symbol may be an option to decorate the block diagram. 

Active Participant

This seems mainly usefull for examples constructed for new users, at which point having to manually do it shouldn't be that big of a deal..

In my day to day programming, the only time I ever put "flow indicator" on a wire label is the once in a blue moon when the crow flies north that I have a wire breaking the left-right convention and I call attention to it.. (Ok, maybe I do it a bit more frequently than blue moons with crows flying north, but it's certainly not even a monthly thing, and typically I'm doing something that requires extra documentation anyway at that point.. Also, ever since they added you could "reverse the direction" of the feedback node, I found it even more rare that I would need reverse direction wires..

CLD LabVIEW 7.1 to 2016
Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 3 kudos within 3 years after posting will be automatically declined.