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dockable context help

Status: Declined

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I think there needs to be an option for a dockable context help it will be in the options menu and you will check it for yes you want the context help to be docked and than you will be able to click where you want the context help to be docked (top, bottom, left right) and than you will have the option of stretching it on the bottom (like in the first picture) or leaving it in the right or left hand corner of the bottom.  also if you want it to be stretched the items within the context help will modify to a easier way to read it (like in the second picture of course the font will ned to be made easier to see as I edited this in paint:)) this will also be true if you choose to have it docked on the top, left, or right.


it would also fit to whatever size panel you have open so it wouldn't go across your screen if you make your panel smaller (also if your front panel and block diagram are different sizes it would change sizes as it needs, and if you use the tile left right or tile top bottom it would show on the bottom or top, left or right in full stretch and the same for bottom and top).


this would also not abstruct you from your code it would be attached to the window and have its own scroll (if needed).

Harold Timmis
*Kudos always welcome:)
Trusted Enthusiast
I'd like a lot more control of the Context Help window - it's a great extension to my apps (as long as my FP nodes are appropriately documented) and requires little effort to use, but I'd love to be able to stop it from floating and automatically resizing.

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Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 4 kudos within 4 years after posting will be automatically declined.