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never auto wire into an output

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 6 kudos within 6 years after posting will be automatically declined.

Maybe this option already exists and I have never found it, but what I would like is the ability to turn off autowiring trying to wire two outputs together. 


I know you can play around with the auto-wiring jump tolerance, but I still don't understand why LV will allow you to connect two outputs together and then complain (for obvious reasons) that there is an error on the block diagram. I would actually vote for an explosion noise everytime we let the magic smoke come out of the primitives by being wired together.


Have I missed something terribly obvious here?


For all the purists out there i would be absolutely satisfied with a checkbox option that I can turn off when configuring LV, so if someone absolutely wants to wire outputs together they can use the normal behaviour.

Active Participant
sorry, the title of the idea is not really correct. It should read: "Never allow two outputs to be wired together"
Trusted Enthusiast
So let me gt this straight: if you have autowiring turned on, you can end up with a situation where two outputs of the VI that you're dropping down get wired together?!?  Can you provide an example?

Copyright © 2004-2024 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Active Participant

No crelf, I don't mean that. What I mean is if the primitives are already dropped then it is possible, easy and pointless to wire two outputs together.


As an example think the select node, the top and bottom selection inputs are quite close to the output terminal, and lots of time as I get close to the input I really want to wire in it will autojump to the output terminal just as I click and then it connects two outputs together which is not really what I was hoping for 😉

Active Participant
I think there should be at least some natural repulsion that prevents automatic wiring of any incompatible things, which is anything that would result in a broken wire. I dislike how easy it is to wire to the wrong thing. It should be possible, but not easy.
Jarrod S.
National Instruments
Active Participant
Jarrod, that is basically what I am looking for. When would you ever want to wire two output together? Why does LV allow this if it will 100% of the time result in a broken wire. (Is there a case when it is valid to wire two output together, I can't think of any).
Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 6 kudos within 6 years after posting will be automatically declined.