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"Show Class Library" Shortcut menu on Wires and Connector Panes

Status: New

When you have a project explorer populated by many classes, it takes many clicks to find and get to the class node in the project.


What I frequently do is to create a class object (or control/indicator) from a class wire then right click >> Show Class Library...


But this step adds an unnecessary object to the BD.


What I want is the same "Show Class Library" shortcut menu from WIRE, VI Connector Pane, and Unbundle node so I can quickly access to the class library in the project tree.



Certified LabVIEW Architect 2013
1 Comment
Knight of NI

Just posted this Shortcut Menu Plug-in.


It adds the suggested menu for both classes and typedef wires for constants, terminals and wires. Also for static VIRefs, subVIs and static CallByRefs.


Also works during run time.


Haven't thought of (un)bundles or connector panes before reading this. (Un)bundles seems fairly easy to add, connector panes pretty hard. EDIT: actually both are hard, probably requiring coordinate magic..