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vi analyzer

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 3 kudos within 3 years after posting will be automatically declined.

I'd like to see VI Analyzer give me actual values of passing tests. When you pass the Modularity Index test, for example, and you pick that test as in the image attached, it doesn't tell you by how much you passed. So you have to go and dial down the limit and rerun the test to find out the value. It would help me improve my code to know if I'm just barely passing.
Proven Zealot

I have this idea on my list of things to do in future releases.  There are several tests that could be classified as "informational" tests, where they output a simple value like a numeric, and we only return failures if that numeric is above or below a threshold.  It would be nice if we could display those numbers in the results window regardless of pass/fail status.



Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 3 kudos within 3 years after posting will be automatically declined.