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NI 4461 Device reset error

I have a PCI 4461 card and am getting an error when I try to reset the device via Meaurement & Automation Explorer. 
The error is :
"The device reset has failed.  The error report from the device driver is as follows :
Error -50400 occured at Device Reset
Possible Reason(s) :
The transfer did not complete within the timeout period or within the specified number of retries."
I'm running Windows XP and NIDAQmx 8.5.0f3.  I get the same error when I call DAQmxResetDevice() from a Visual C++ program.  I'm not setting a timeout preiod or a number of retries.  How do I do that?
I've tried rebooting, but have not tried upgrading NIDAQmx. 
Previously (a few months ago) I have used the device with no problems.
The device Self Test also fails with the same error and possible reasons.

Message Edited by NF1 on 04-16-2008 12:45 PM
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

Hello Nia,


Unfortunately many times error -50400 indicates that the PCI-4461 needs to be repaired.  There are a few other things to check before arriving at this conclusion.


1.  Has this setup worked in the past or are you just setting this up for the first time?

2.  Does the card work when you put it in a different PCI slot in the same computer?

3.  Does the card work when you put it in a different computer?


By "work" I mean does the device pass self-test and reset in the Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX).


If the answer to question one is yes and no for 2 and 3 then you should contact National Instruments directly (using the information at to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization.  To speed the troubleshooting process when you call in please let the engineer you speak with know about this forum post.  They may have a few more questions, but these are also things they'll want to check.


I hope this helps to get you up and running as soon as possible.



Message Edited by Brooks_C on 04-16-2008 12:48 PM
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11
Hi Brooks,

Yes, the device has worked in the past without any problems

I just tried moving the board to another slot in the same PC but got the same error.  Will try another PC next.

Are there reliability issues with the PCI-4461 boards?  I just got this board less than a year ago I think and have not used it very much at all.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11
Hi Brooks,

I just tried the card on a second computer and get a slightly different error :

"The device reset has failed.  The error report from the device driver is as follows:
Error -223027 occurred at Device Reset
Possible Reason(s)
Internal Software Error occurred in DSA software.  Please contact National Instruments Support."

The second PC is running Windows XP with NIDAQmx 8.0.1f0 installed.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

Hi NF1

I am going to agree with Brooks on this one.  The two errors you are seeing on both computers indicate that the device must be sent in for repair. 

Thank you for performing the extra troubleshooting steps, they were very helpful. 

Please follow the link that Brooks posted above so you can speak with an engineer and we can start the return process.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11
In the past, I have seen the same internal software error (-223027) on a PXI-4461 card.  I have then restarted Windows XP and the problem has disappeared.  So, for anyone in the future that sees this error, be sure to reboot the computer and see what happens.
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

I have a problem with PCI 4461, when i try to reset device show an error


The device selftest has failed. The error report from the device drivers is as follows:

Error -223022 ocurred at self test.




0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11



It is likely that you have a problem with your device.  Could you first try these troubleshooting steps before contacting us to repair the device:

  1. Reinstall the device driver in the device manager (you don’t need to reinstall DAQmx) by deleting the device and letting the operating system re-detect the hardware (Action>> Scan for New Devices in the Windows Device manager).
  2. Self-test and Reset the device in MAX—if the board is still not functioning it will throw the error here.
  3. Try the device in different PXI/PCI slots.
Jason Daming
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Hello NF1, Ryan, and Ayala,


Did you all resolve your issues?


We have one PXI-4461, eighty six PXI-4462, all are currently involved in a recall.


Did any of you receive a "Long-Term Fuse Reliability" recall letter from NI?


It mentions errors "-50400, -200313, -200550, and -239022". 


Also, in MAX, affected cards, with a blown fuse, will fail the

"Device Reset" from the test panel and report to you error "-223022".


Sounds like you have a blown fuse to me. 



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11
No, I have never received a letter although NI has explained to me some of the possible sources for these error messages.  To remedy these problems, I have sent in all of my PXI-4461 boards that don't have the latest hardware changes on them to have them updated to the latest hardware revision and this has solved the problem for me.  I would recommend talking to your local field sales engineer about this issue.  Mine has been invaluable and has helped coordinate the repair process and cost.
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Message 10 of 11