Thank you for your request. We understand your suggestion but given the age of this entry and the fact that just a few sponsors are supporting it, we have decided to decline this suggestion and prefer to develop more frequently requested features instead. We hope you understand this.
There is no way to initialize two "cursors" or objects in the DIAdem VIEW Map Display Type. It would be helpful to be able to track to or more objects moving on the map simultaneously.
Yes! We need multiple traces in the map! I think today it is quite common that an engineer not only tests one car! More common is that you have several objects moving around. for example, two quadcopters cooperating on a task, a roboter team, testing collision avoiding algorithms, etc. In my case it is four sonar bouys that drift in the sea and record underwater sound.
Thank you for your request. We understand your suggestion but given the age of this entry and the fact that just a few sponsors are supporting it, we have decided to decline this suggestion and prefer to develop more frequently requested features instead. We hope you understand this.
Thank you for your request. We understand your suggestion but given the age of this entry and the fact that just a few sponsors are supporting it, we have decided to decline this suggestion and prefer to develop more frequently requested features instead. We hope you understand this.