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I know this would be a major change. At least VBS is not proprietary like some other software that has a script interface, and at least VBS supports OOP.


But VBS is from the 90's, the documentation is from the 90's and early 2000's at best, with associated lack of support. The full potential of diadem is really limited by this. If I could use Python, a much better supported, easier to use language, I would be extremely grateful. All my data processing tools are written in Python. I'm just trying to automate test reports, get channel names to identify the data the user put in the Data Portal etc. I am willing to put in time to interface with APIs or DLLs if someone can point me in the right direction in the interim. 


To be brutally honest, it is almost laughable that with diadem 2017, it has a flashy UX/UI, yet uses this archaic language for automation, where most time is saved. A system is ony as good as its weakest link.

A typically Diadem workflow consists of at least two parts: Navigator and View or Navigator and Report. 

I always have to save and load every single file separately.


I wish I could have a button "Save Project" where all files of the actual project were saved in a single package and a similar "Open Project" Button.

The package can be a Zip-File that contains all the *.TDM, *.TDX; *.TDV, *.TDR and *.VBS files of the open project.



it would be helpful to have the following option in the View:

In case of moving the cursor through the 2D-Graph, I would like to have the table scrolling automatically the same way with highlightning the values of the cursors position. 


Kind regards


(Diadem 2011)



The icons for DIAdem 2017, 2018 and 2019 are frustratingly identical.  LabVIEW has helpful little numbers showing the version number.  

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Rather than a channel that has a "fixed" value (numeric or string), this new "calculation channel" type would be a function of other channels.  Currently, if Channel3 = Channel1 + Channel2, and then I change the values for either Channel1 or Channel2, I have to re-execute the calculation


ChnCalculate("Ch(""Channel3"") = Ch(""Channel1"") + Ch(""Channel2"")")


Now, if there was a "calculation channel" where I could define Channel 3 as "Channel1 + Channel2", I wouldn't need to perform this re-execution! 


Another way to explain is to have a channel that works like Excel calculation cells.  The cell calculation stays the same, and when the input cells change, the result cell is automatically updated. 


I'm not sure if I explained this well, please ask for clarification if necessary. 

Mark Kiehl noticed that "pinning" is missing from DIAdem 2019, from the user interface as well as programatically.


Please bring it back soon. 



Hello ALL,


there is only one manual scale to be set in a 2D graph in VIEW Panel. It would be a great idea if setting manual scales would allow you to set seperate scales for seperate plots on one graph.




Thanks, Piotr

Is it possible to expand NI Diadem View to an option that allows hiding of curves without changing the properties of the graph or curve.


See example in the attachments.


Thanks a lot


As the title says, DIAdem should have the capability to draw simple pie charts in the report section.

Because it's so much easier to write scripts for (like VIEW)!

Diadem should use the tdms-format as default for saving

Hey everyone,

There should be an integrated feature in DIAdem to create Boxplots. You can already find the min Q1 median Q3 and max in the analysis portion. I have not been able to find a good way to make a boxplot in DIAdem, and it's a very clunky process in excell. I've had to use DIAdem to process data then export the interested channels to excel to make acutal boxplots, which still requires a lot of manipulation.

BoxPlot Data.PNG


To do this in excel you create a modified boxplot based on the difference in the five number summary. These numbers are put into a stacked boxplot, then the settings are played with to give the finalized look of a box plot.


The Differences plotted as a stacked bar plot looks like the following with borders on and the bottom and top sections made invisible with error bars to mark the min and max values


There should be a way to do a similar process, or even an automatic box plot creator in DIAdem.


Let me know what you think,


Lately there has been a need by many individuals to shift data for one reason or another.  Possibly the data was collected without using a trigger to synch everything or just collected with an inevitable delay.


Would R&D look into a function that could mark two points in a customer's data and then align/shift the data so a comparison may be done of one data set against another?



Sometimes you want to move an area around, and the only way right now is to re-create an area which is quite inefficient.



I am currently trying to use the new mapping feature in DIAdem 2010 to create a map of a drive route.  I want the map to contain a "bread crumb" trail of the route.  I also need the ability to change the each Lattitude/Longitude point to a specific color depending on another channel of data.  I have a report that does a similar task but I use MapPoint and Labview to create the map and then export it as an image and use DIAdem to grab the image and attach it into the report.  I thought I might be able to leverage the DIAdem 2010 mapping feature if possible. 


I have attached a map of what I am trying to do in the DIAdem forums at the following location.






I noticed channels can be dragged and drop everywhere but in the calculator. Ths channel list is quite OK when havin a few channel in the Data portal but becomes fast ´a waste of time on bigger projects. Allowing to drag channel in ot would make it faster to use and also a bit more user friendly.

In DIAdem 2018, the VIEW legend changed and multi-line legends are no longer supported.  I'd like to add back in a predictable multi-line legend option.  When multiple legend items are added in DIAdem 2018, much more of the screen is taken up with the legend (if I want to view all of the legend items), and less of the data area is visible.


I've attached two images to show the comparison of a 2D axes with 5 legend items in DIAdem 2017 and 2018. 



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Here are the product suggestions I have for DIAdem, after going through the pain of creating a single report page:
1. Option to set the background color of a header in a table (not the entire table)
2. Option to prevent the column lines from going through the header section of the table
3. Group objects together in Diadem, (like PowerPoint ?)
4. Make DIAdem font size correspond to MS Office 's font size
5. Option to make individual Column/Row lines bold and set background color for each individual column/row
Jay Gundavelli
Honda R&D


I'd like to have a 64-bit version of DIAdem primarily so the program can utilize more than 2GB of RAM.


I'd expect that this would improve performance and stability for those using a 64-bit OS (eg win 7 64 bit) and working with large data sets.





I checked the DIAdem hepl and saw that the time value converted in text only allows 4 digits for the fraction of a second.

But how can you display datetime in text for more precise values.


For example, if i acquire on a real time target, analog inputs data at 1MHz, all samples are more precisely time stamped than the best text value that you can display.


It would be very convenient to display time stamp like that : 06/19/2013 15:37:50.12345678

instead of that : 06/19/2013 15:37:50.0005


Thanks  !

Best Regards