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When working in DIAdem SCRIPT, it is often necessary to work on more than one file at once. The way this is implemented at the moment is with tabs:


script before.png


However, it can be quite tedious to switch back and forth between 2 scripts for things like copy/pasting, comparing code or simply editing code on 2 files concurrently.

My suggestion would be for a SCRIPT editor with split screen functionality, roughly like this:


script after.png


With many users working with widescreens today, this would better make use of screen real-estate.

Having 'undo' in REPORT is great, and would be just as great in VIEW!  Removing and adding channels from a 2D axis would be my favorite use of an "undo" function. 



Currently you can only search for one channel at the same time with the advanced search as shown in the first graphic. if you select two channels at once, no search results will be found.
Diadem Bsp1.PNG

It would be very helpful if you could search for several channels with different characteristics at once.

for example, one could look for measurements that contain a first channel with a particular property and at the same time contain a second channel with a different property. It would also be helpful if the different properties of the search were linked by setting the brackets.

here's an example

Diadem Bsp2.PNG

such a function would greatly facilitate the evaluation of large data volumes.
best regards

In VIEW tab, when working with 2D-graphs some times it is useful to change the line width, the background color, the axis color, the line style... as in the REPORTER tab because for analyzing and studying the data before having the final data to report, the VIEW tab offers much more comfort. The Curve and Axis Definition in REPORT can replace the current 2D Axis System Display window:











We are very happy about the support of Python as additional language in DIAdem script.

It would be a really nice feature if the DIAdem Python module would also be available in Python scripts that are running not within DIAdem script but on a machine with valid DIAdem license.
This would allow to create Python applications that use DIAdem commands but do not require the user to explicitly open DIAdem and load a Python script and thus improve usability.
Another use case would be an improved communication between Matlab and DIAdem by calling Python code including DIAdem commands from Matlab as executing Python code from Matlab is possible.

When I create a new 2D curve (or drag and drop from another area) in VIEW, I always get “name and unit” for the legend items.  For a table, it’s always Name, Group name, Length and Unit.


I'd like these defaults to be customized. For example, if I always want just name for my 2D axis system legends, I'd like to set this somewhere.  I think a great place would be in "DIAdem Settings -> General" near the "Colors" area.  

Changing the order of opened scripts (tabs) manually would be awesome feature. Now its a bit frustrating when u got scripts in different folders and you would like to change the order when you work on more than one script.

Python Virtual environments allow better control of the dependency versions by project, that I find required. Mostly this is so that the dependencies/package versions are the same between the code as developed, and the code as used by users.


Would like NI to consider adjustments to the current python system so that it can use a virtual Environment. Some to consider, Venv. pyenv, VirtualEnv, PipEnv.

I'd like to propose a few improvements to the zoom functionality in DIAdem VIEW that are sorely missing usability-wise:


  1. Vertical band zoom: This would allow one to zoom in on a specific part of the y axis without touching the x axis. We have the horizontal, why not vertical?
  2. Sticky zoom button: When I want to zoom in to a specific part of a graph in successive steps, I have to click on the zoom button each time. It would be great to be able to click on it once to activate the zoom tool and to be able to zoom several times. (Not sure what the best mechanism is, but maybe a click with modifier key? Ctrl+click on zoom button keeps it active?)
  3. Zoom stack with undo: Following on from point 2, when I zoom in in successive steps, it would be nice to be able to go back to the previous zoom level. Right now I can only do a generic zoom out or cancel all zooming. It could simply be an extra button in the zoom palette that goes back up one level in the zoom stack (like an undo. It could even be integrated into a more generic undo functionality if it ever comes about.)


I think that for points 2 and 3 there are several ways this could be done. I think the focus should be on usability. The user needs to be able to navigate the data as quickly and as efficiently as possible and the current zoom implementation is clearly impractical for many users.

Hello everybody,
My suggestion concern the SCRIPT tab. I think that it is necessary to implement a real automatic indentation function as you can find in most of Integrated Development Environment.
Indeed, when you write a VBS code, you have to structure your code manually while DIAdem could structure it automatically.
For instance, after an "if" and until "end if" DIAdem could insert a tabulation.



Make an option to have REPORT auto-scaling work like VIEW:

VIEW updates the Y-Axis range to be appropriate for the presently visible data when Y-Axis auto-scaling is on and a manual X-Axis range is selected.

REPORT presently maintains the Y-Axis scale of the entire Y-Axis channel's range regardless of X-Axis range selection.


DIAdem Axis Scaling Behavior.jpg


The current behavior requires the user to manually scale both the X and Y axis, when manually selecting an X-Axis range on a highly variable data set.  In my case, I'm setting the X-Axis range in a script (last 30 days), but will now also have to determine and set a manual Y-Axis range for the 30 day window of X-Axis values.


I put "Optional" in the description because sometimes the current behavior is desired (if the user wishes to maintain a consistent Y-Axis at all times).




Hey All,


I've been working with a lot of SUDs lately and I've thought of a few things that could help make their editing process easier. First off, it would be nice to be able to view the SUD script and the display at the same time. I think a split screen view of the display and the script would help streamline SUD creation. It's a bit cumbersome to have to switch back and forth between the two. 



The other idea is to make layer  editing easier. Having faster way to switch which layer you are editing and a checkbox to select which one is the true default are a few ideas. I've run into a couple of occasions where I am editing one layer that is dependent on the first and have to switch back to the primary layer to test the SUD before switching again to continue editing. Additionaly, it would be  easier to edit layers if we could more quickly switch layers, through use of something like the tab system used to switch which sheet you are looking at in the report. 


Let me know what you think,



It should be possible to use the code completion functionality for classes one has written, even when the class is in another VBS file and included by “ScriptInclude”. Now that competion feature works only if the class is defined within the same VBS file as one writes the code which uses this class. That would make the developers live much easier, I am sure I am not the only one who writes code which is distributed over several files Smiley Wink

I was fiddling with some DIADem Scripts and manage to crash DIADem twice, unfortunatly my VIEW, REPORTS and SCRIPTS weren't auto-saved.


That is kinda bad, so please add an autosave option.



Please include an 'Integrate' (or 'Integral') feature for a specific definition range (x-axis) in Analysis / Statistics / Descriptive statistics, as the Integrate feature in Analysis / Basic Mathematics only supports integrating for whole channels.

I'd like an option for the tabs on the SUD dialog control, TabPageCtrl, to allow vertical placement, so the tabs would be on the left (or right) side of the tab control.  

Allow the background color for the VIEW window to be changed. Ideally to black to match the default color on LabVIEW graphs and charts. Difficult to see the lighter colors (yellow, orange) on a white background.

This would be really useful to allow two (possibly more datasets to be loaded), and then filter similar channels, and plot and compare them.

Currently loading multiple datasets results in group merging where the groups in the 2nd dataset gets merged into the first and renamed with numerical suffixes.

Add more options for VIEW legends:

- legend position - top/bottom/left instead of only right

- allow floating legend

Currently there is no "title" for axes objects in REPORT.  I can add free text, but then when I move the axis system, everything else related to the axis moves with the axis system (axes labels, legend, etc) but not the free text.  A "label" would fix this problem and would make the axis system more like Excel...