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DIAdem VIEW zoom improvements

Status: Under Consideration


Thank you for your request. R&D has read this suggestion and it will be included in feature planning discussions for future DIAdem versions. But because of the huge numbers of possible DIAdem extensions we gave this request not the highest priority.



I'd like to propose a few improvements to the zoom functionality in DIAdem VIEW that are sorely missing usability-wise:


  1. Vertical band zoom: This would allow one to zoom in on a specific part of the y axis without touching the x axis. We have the horizontal, why not vertical?
  2. Sticky zoom button: When I want to zoom in to a specific part of a graph in successive steps, I have to click on the zoom button each time. It would be great to be able to click on it once to activate the zoom tool and to be able to zoom several times. (Not sure what the best mechanism is, but maybe a click with modifier key? Ctrl+click on zoom button keeps it active?)
  3. Zoom stack with undo: Following on from point 2, when I zoom in in successive steps, it would be nice to be able to go back to the previous zoom level. Right now I can only do a generic zoom out or cancel all zooming. It could simply be an extra button in the zoom palette that goes back up one level in the zoom stack (like an undo. It could even be integrated into a more generic undo functionality if it ever comes about.)


I think that for points 2 and 3 there are several ways this could be done. I think the focus should be on usability. The user needs to be able to navigate the data as quickly and as efficiently as possible and the current zoom implementation is clearly impractical for many users.

Trusted Enthusiast

Hi jtagg,


I like your suggestions.  For your 2) above, try right-click + drag, that will re-zoom based on whether you have band zoomed or frame zoomed last.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

Active Participant
Hi Brad, Thanks for the info. I had tried a few things to see if I could repeatedly zoom, but hadn't thought of that. Maybe for point 2 just make the feature more discoverable? jtagg
NI Employee (retired)
NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: New


Thank you for your request. R&D has read this suggestion and it will be included in feature planning discussions for future DIAdem versions. But because of the huge numbers of possible DIAdem extensions we gave this request not the highest priority.



NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Under Consideration


Thank you for your request. R&D has read this suggestion and it will be included in feature planning discussions for future DIAdem versions. But because of the huge numbers of possible DIAdem extensions we gave this request not the highest priority.

