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After thoroughly reviewing the DIAdem help documentation, it seems there isn't a built-in command, like schememeasstop(), to programmatically stop measurements.

The objective is to automate at least two consecutive DAC measurements in NI DIAdem. While the first DAC measurement can be started and stopped using digital inputs, the current process still requires manual intervention. Specifically, the operator must press the "Stop Measurement" button on the DIAdem toolbar to end the first measurement before the second can be started.

Having Python as a scripting language is great, however, Python is not (yet) supported to develop user dialogs. Dialogs must be developed using VBS. While a Python script file can be run from a dialog using VBS, this leads to many Python files containing snippets of code. Updating the approach for GUI (SUD) development would be a welcome improvement.

When working in DIAdem SCRIPT, it is often necessary to work on more than one file at once. The way this is implemented at the moment is with tabs:


script before.png


However, it can be quite tedious to switch back and forth between 2 scripts for things like copy/pasting, comparing code or simply editing code on 2 files concurrently.

My suggestion would be for a SCRIPT editor with split screen functionality, roughly like this:


script after.png


With many users working with widescreens today, this would better make use of screen real-estate.



Currently you can only search for one channel at the same time with the advanced search as shown in the first graphic. if you select two channels at once, no search results will be found.
Diadem Bsp1.PNG

It would be very helpful if you could search for several channels with different characteristics at once.

for example, one could look for measurements that contain a first channel with a particular property and at the same time contain a second channel with a different property. It would also be helpful if the different properties of the search were linked by setting the brackets.

here's an example

Diadem Bsp2.PNG

such a function would greatly facilitate the evaluation of large data volumes.
best regards

Some Python plotting modules have an HTML output for Python graphs (Bokeh and Plotly, for example), and Plotly specifically has some really cool interactive HTML plots.  It would be great to have a simple HTML Display Type in VIEW to be able to view these plot outputs!

We are very happy about the support of Python as additional language in DIAdem script.

It would be a really nice feature if the DIAdem Python module would also be available in Python scripts that are running not within DIAdem script but on a machine with valid DIAdem license.
This would allow to create Python applications that use DIAdem commands but do not require the user to explicitly open DIAdem and load a Python script and thus improve usability.
Another use case would be an improved communication between Matlab and DIAdem by calling Python code including DIAdem commands from Matlab as executing Python code from Matlab is possible.

Changing the order of opened scripts (tabs) manually would be awesome feature. Now its a bit frustrating when u got scripts in different folders and you would like to change the order when you work on more than one script.

I would like a feature where you can add extra paths in DIAdem's Python implementation for user-specific Python library directories.


In Visual Studio Code you can edit the settings.json to add paths to:

  • python.analysis.extraPaths (for importing)
  • python.autoComplete.extraPaths (for autocompletion)



So stuff imported from "C:\Repositories\Python\MyLibraryOther\__init__.py" is directly visible on import alongside stuff in SitePackages:



I've been able to add further locations to the active DIAdem Python Path via to use programmatically:

import site


With that, I can "use" the script contents from both "Other" and "Site-Packages" items:



But currently I can only "see" items located within the Site-Packages folder:



-Josh Rewerts

Python Virtual environments allow better control of the dependency versions by project, that I find required. Mostly this is so that the dependencies/package versions are the same between the code as developed, and the code as used by users.


Would like NI to consider adjustments to the current python system so that it can use a virtual Environment. Some to consider, Venv. pyenv, VirtualEnv, PipEnv.

Hello everybody,
My suggestion concern the SCRIPT tab. I think that it is necessary to implement a real automatic indentation function as you can find in most of Integrated Development Environment.
Indeed, when you write a VBS code, you have to structure your code manually while DIAdem could structure it automatically.
For instance, after an "if" and until "end if" DIAdem could insert a tabulation.



It should be possible to use the code completion functionality for classes one has written, even when the class is in another VBS file and included by “ScriptInclude”. Now that competion feature works only if the class is defined within the same VBS file as one writes the code which uses this class. That would make the developers live much easier, I am sure I am not the only one who writes code which is distributed over several files Smiley Wink

Lately there has been a need by many individuals to shift data for one reason or another.  Possibly the data was collected without using a trigger to synch everything or just collected with an inevitable delay.


Would R&D look into a function that could mark two points in a customer's data and then align/shift the data so a comparison may be done of one data set against another?



I was fiddling with some DIADem Scripts and manage to crash DIADem twice, unfortunatly my VIEW, REPORTS and SCRIPTS weren't auto-saved.


That is kinda bad, so please add an autosave option.



I'd like an option for the tabs on the SUD dialog control, TabPageCtrl, to allow vertical placement, so the tabs would be on the left (or right) side of the tab control.  

Using Calculate for basic mathematical functions is like taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Cause Calculate takes ages compared to e.g. ChnAdd, ChnMul, ChnDiv etc. But on the other hand it lets you script formulas in an easy-to-read format.

The idea is to have a pre-processor analyzer for scripts that identifies Calculate commands and checks if these commands could be translated into a series of these basic mathematical functions. If yes, then the script engine should be able to do so in the background in order to speed up the calculation.

My idea is to add the capability of word highlighting in scripts, much like most other programmers editors, this facilitates easy searching throughout a script and is an alternate way of finding a search match other than repeated F3 presses.


Word Highlight

Since DIAdem 2018, the number of 5 worker objects has been restricted to 5. This is a difficult limitation for those who are enjoying the use of unlimited worker objects in earlier versions of DIAdem, and do not want to purchase the Analysis Server.  

it is not possible to see which values are in an array.

on normal variables i can follow what happend while debuging the script.


it yould be great to show whats going on with my array.

display like an excel, or in first step like (22.5; 21; 99; ...) when you turn you mouse over the variable

I am sure that this is far from a 'new idea'.  I have been using DiAdem 11.1, and have not looked at the new features of 2010 yet.  The new idea...use LabVIEW code to make scripts.  I know LabVIEW very well, that is how I make the TDMS files; but the idea of data analysis or automation comes to a standstill when you tell me I need to learn VB to manipulate or work with the data I just gathered beyond the canned toolsets already in DiAdem.  DiAdem needs to be like Teststand in this regard.  You can use different code types with Teststand, and it works.  And this needs to work in all the different categories of scripting or automation (Navigator, View, Analysis, etc.)  Any software package NI creates should have LabVIEW as the center point, and always require seamless integration of LabVIEW code.  I think that comes down to plain-jane good marketing strategy.

Rather than asking for a change to the "Repeat Marker" to plot all the points (we'd prefer "Repeat Marker" in DIAdem VIEW to be "Every N Points" where N = 1 rather than "Up to N Points" where N = 100), I think it would be great if we could have a configurable DIAdem default set of VIEW items that could be saved via usercommand, script, or a file configuration so we could conveniently spread it to our users.

This could include colors, points and/or lines, "Repeat Markers" configuration, line width/size/fill.


The "Repeat Markers" option is the most important to us because we have had users in the past who didn't realize that they were only seeing 100 points of their data, which can be a very bad thing (for example if you've turned off curve color and are looking for outliers in 150 points of data).  On the other hand, I can understand not wanting to plot 2 billion points on a graph, hence the ability for an administrative body (or individual users) to configure the graph defaults.

