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I'd like the legend items to transfer when data is dragged from one area to another in VIEW. Currently, for example when I drag a curve from one 2D axis in VIEW to an empty area, the legend items are the defaults, "name" and "unit".

It is very easy to delay the start of a video in order to offset the beginning of a video to a data set.  However it is more difficult to offset data in order to synchronise with another section of a video.


For instance - you may have a 12 second video with 6 seconds worth of data.  If this data relates to 6-12 s of the video, you need to change the x-axis of the 2D-axis area to mirror 6-12 s.


I would propose a "Video Offset" property.  This suggestion is similar to Time Shift Data Feature.



While looking at data I will often want to know the mean average of a section of data (max and min are also nice to see).  It would be fantastic if in VIEW mode, you could highlight a section of data (by flagging it) and see in some area of VIEW (like the "Common Properties" section or maybe even a pop-up) statistics of the selected data without having to copy the flagged data and do an analysis of it. This function would go really nice in the drop-down area where you can choose to copy, move or interpolate the flagged data points.

it is not possible to search the Diadem Help with




or    *Chn*

or    Fi*Dlg




you always have to know the right word you search.



the possibility to search with * makes it much more easier to findes command when you only have an idea how they could be named




Some operations in DIAdem can take a long time to complete (case in point - while writing this I am waiting for it to draw a 29 million point waveform on a graph!). Any operation which could take more than a few seconds should have a 'cancel operation' button to abort the current operation.


What I'm thinking is that after 2 seconds of waiting, a 'stop' or 'abort' button should appear in the bottom-right status bar where the progress bar appears for certain operations.


At the moment, the only way I can find to end the operation is to terminate the process in Task Manager.



It´s boring and annoying to open a Datafile and the Report-File manually.

When I open a Datafile and change to Report, then the Fileopen-Button opens a complete different directory and i have to click (many clicks!) to the destination where the Datafile was loaded from.

Please improve this!

When there are a number of entrees on the legend it would be nice to be able to put the entrees in columns.  Currently, I can only have one column of entrees.




work would be much easier for me if direct debugging of Dialogs would be possible. It should be like debugging of scripts.

You set a breakpoint, let the script run and when it is paused you can look for the values of variables and continue in single steps.

Debugging with the Microsoft Script debugger is not really a comfortable solution.


2) The data type "variant" is great. But sometimes a type definition would help much (I'm used to define the type of variables, even from Visual Basic).

I would have the need for a "type" definition to combine several values to "one variable". With this construction a function could give some values in one result (e.g. a vector) and it would save some calculation time or global variables.



type rgbcolor

   dim r

   dim g

   dim b

end type


dim color as long

dim a as rgbcolor


a = conv_rgb(color)


msgbox a.r & "  " & a.g & "   " & a.b


function conv_rgb(col_long as long) as rgbcolor


end function


DataBlDel comes with 4 parameters,

1. ChannelList

2. RowNr

3. ValNo.

4 ValDelOnly (optional).


Now I'd find it handy to have (at least) parameter #3 optional and default to 'all values to the end'. Looking at discussion posts in the forum, many people use some

        CL("[1]/[1]") - PfoundEndVariable

syntax.  An alternative could be the use of 'GlobChnLength'. 

Kind regards



Whether '1' would be a 'natural' default for parameter 2, I don't know. But for sure, all subsequent values for parameter 3 might make sense....

In REPORT, you have the option of using a "Joint x-channel", which allows REPORT to use the x-channel of the first curve as the x-channel for all other curves in a 2D axis system.


I would like this exact same functionality in VIEW.



I was wondering if Diadem provides an SDK around which we can develop our custom software. We are evaluating a possibility to develop a custom tool and wanted to use Diadem's capabilities in background while customizing the GUI part.




Creating fancy pdf-files for costumers and other purposes is great. However, if the experimental data include many datapoints (>200000) a line-2d-graph ends up in a very big pdf-file. Especially when many pages need to be used.



When I use lines to show experimental data in 2d-plots the size of my PDF-file is directly influenced by the number of datapoints used. The more datapoints are used to draw lines within the graph, the bigger the exported PDF-files of the report are.


It would be great to limit the number of points used to draw a line as it can be done with markers without using the curve transformation option. - Hence, e.g. plotting a line with the help of 200 datapoints is usually as good as showing the same line based on 200000 datapoints but the pdf-size is significantly reduced. You can imagine that when this would be done via the transformation option a long lasting script would be needed for each line to reduce the number of datapoints shown. Hence, the plotting within the report and the actualisation of data would need very long.



1. Currently you can't enlarge the window of DAC-module "Linear scaling"

=> for better overview it is necessary to implement this feature


2. Currently there is no possibilty to export the list of signals (excel)

=> for documentation it is necessary to export


Thank you for your support.

Please bugfix the "Textobject" in Report.

Create a new Report -> add a "Textobject" -> fill in some Text an close it -> copy the side:

The Textobject is black and if you try to edit the black Textobject, DIADEM crash.