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Allow viewing statistics of a highlighted (flagged) section of data in VIEW mode without doing analysis step

Status: Already Implemented

Thank you for your request.

We implemented an example for such calculations. Please have a look at the following example:

 "Extending Functionalities with Scripts" -> "Dynamic Display of Statistical Characteristic Values in DIAdem VIEW"



While looking at data I will often want to know the mean average of a section of data (max and min are also nice to see).  It would be fantastic if in VIEW mode, you could highlight a section of data (by flagging it) and see in some area of VIEW (like the "Common Properties" section or maybe even a pop-up) statistics of the selected data without having to copy the flagged data and do an analysis of it. This function would go really nice in the drop-down area where you can choose to copy, move or interpolate the flagged data points.

NI Employee (retired)

Hello Bikinpro,


would it be an option to calculate the statistic data you are interested each time you change the cursor position ? Could you use the band-cursor to define the area you are interested in ? And each time you change the band, the statistics for that area are calculated and displayed ? How much data per signal do you expect ?




Actually using the band-cursor to define the area for the statistics would work very well although I wouldn't want the statistics process to slow down scrolling with the band-cursor.  The amount of data depends on what I am looking at. Most of the time I am interested in an average pressure or power used doing a certain event that may be 10 minutes long while logging anywhere from 10hz to 500hz.


Would this become too complex if statistics for multiple signals were displayed? I'd like to simultaneously view Min/Max/Mean within a given band selection for several signals.


I would hope that the solution would allow for viewing statistics for multiple signals at the same time.

Trusted Enthusiast

Hi Guys,


I have an application I wrote that sounds like it does what you're asking for.  Email me at brad.turpin@ni.com and I'll email it back to you.  I don't see any way to post and attachment here...


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments


Thanks for the script Brad, it works well.  It would be nice if the statistics section the script creates could be a standard part of the VIEW interface.  A couple issues that a standard interface would help:

  1. If I am looking at a set of data and want to look at the statistics, I need to run the script which wipes out other views that I created (I commented out the part that deletes the data out of the portal).

  2. If there are more than 3 channels I want to look at I only get statistics for the top 3 channels. I have to go in and re-order the channels so the new channels are in the top 3.

Overall though it seems like this should work for a majority of what I need it for.  I do like how the section goes with the graphs when creating a report.  Thank you for sending this.

NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Already Implemented

Thank you for your request.

We implemented an example for such calculations. Please have a look at the following example:

 "Extending Functionalities with Scripts" -> "Dynamic Display of Statistical Characteristic Values in DIAdem VIEW"

