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Use DIAdem mapping function to create a bread crumb trail

Status: Completed

Hi Everyone,


DIAdem 2018 ships with the ability to color the GPS map trail based on the value of a channel in the Data Portal.  If you still want the breadcrumb dots, please describe those in detail in a new request.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments



I am currently trying to use the new mapping feature in DIAdem 2010 to create a map of a drive route.  I want the map to contain a "bread crumb" trail of the route.  I also need the ability to change the each Lattitude/Longitude point to a specific color depending on another channel of data.  I have a report that does a similar task but I use MapPoint and Labview to create the map and then export it as an image and use DIAdem to grab the image and attach it into the report.  I thought I might be able to leverage the DIAdem 2010 mapping feature if possible. 


I have attached a map of what I am trying to do in the DIAdem forums at the following location.





I second this concept.  I would like to be able to plot a route from an NMEA file on the map area and color code certain sections of the route condionally based on other measured data (i.e. when acceleration above 5G make the route red, otherwise route color green). 




And maybe even change the icon for when other conditions occur.

Jim West

In our Drive test tool, part of Summitek Instruments Spectrum Monitoring software, we use a third party mapping application. I looked at the free mapping solution that Diadem is using. In order to use for our application, we need the following features.


Put a picture( bitmap) at a specified latitude and longitude.

Ability to show and hide selected pictures.

Draw lines and other graphical elements.






 plot a route on the map area and color code certain sections of the route condionally based on other measured data would be VERY useful.

Trusted Enthusiast

Hi All,


What we can do currently in DIAdem that satisfies part of what you want is to create a standard XY plot of the Latitude channel vs. the Longitude channel.  That shows the 2D route that is traversed, and it also updates with a crosshair (+) symbol as you move the cursor on other 2D graphs in VIEW.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer
National Instruments


I also have the same requirement. Most GIS applications such as google earth, map point, etc. offer the ability to plot tracks, waypoints, map markers at each data point etc.. My expectation for  DIADEM GIS functionality is that it would do the same as an overlay on the map. My users would like to see a plot of a vehicle's course on a map over a specified period of time.

NI Employee (retired)

A customer of mine requested this exact same feature.

Trusted Enthusiast

DIAdem VIEW for the 2011 release has this option, allthough it's limited to one color per trace.



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Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep www.lvug.nl
My LabVIEW Ideas

LabVIEW, programming like it should be!

I have the same idea. When you have made a measurement with GPS positions included in your data, it should be possible to report or view a measured parameter on these GPS positions. It should be possible to give different colours to the parameter values. E.g. I have made some vibration measurements on a tram with GPS positions. When it is possible to give low vibrations levels a green colour and high levels a red colour you can easy spot bad sections of track. It is combining two functions DIAdem already has: GPS maps and 3D characteristic diagram.GIS.JPG

NI Employee (retired)