I am currently trying to use the new mapping feature in DIAdem 2010
to create a map of a drive route. I want the map to contain a "bread
crumb" trail of the route. I also need the ability to change the each
Lattitude/Longitude point to a specific color depending on another
channel of data. I have a report that does a similar task but I use
MapPoint and Labview to create the map and then export it as an image
and use DIAdem to grab the image and attach it into the report. I
thought I might be able to leverage the DIAdem 2010 mapping feature if
I have attached a map of what I am trying to do in the DIAdem forums at the following location.
Hi Everyone,
DIAdem 2018 ships with the ability to color the GPS map trail based on the value of a channel in the Data Portal. If you still want the breadcrumb dots, please describe those in detail in a new request.
Brad Turpin
DIAdem Product Support Engineer
National Instruments