I think DIADem would be a great solution if it came with a web-based client which would allow users to:
- Login remotely using a standard web-browser
- Allow users to access data from their web-browser without having to install any exectuables or active-x components
- Basically allows similar functionality of the VIEW tool, execpt make it web-based.
DIADem would be a great collaboration tool if it could be used without having to install a bunch of EXEs on every computer. And going for a Citrix-style thin-client solution is just too costly. Built-in web-based access would be awesome.
Thank you for your request. We understand your suggestion but given that that just a few sponsors are supporting your entry and nearly no other customer asked this extension direct to us, we have decided to decline this suggestion. Nevertheless, we keep it in ore list of possible extensions however with a low priority.