If you want to use Hardware in DIAdem, you have to create virtual global channels in MAX before, so you have to create for each channel of the module a virtual channel. For acquiring data in the DAC Module of DIAdem you have to select the DAQmx Driver and add the defined virtual channels.
Imagine if you have several modules and more than 60 channels for example, to define the channels takes a while.
An improvement would be a module channel group definition in MAX. So if you have a thermocouple module, which are equipped with 16 channels - you define one channel group in MAX, in which each channel has the same configuration.
Rupert Donauer
AE, Munich
Thank you for your request. We understand your suggestion but given the age of this entry and the fact that just a few sponsors are supporting it, we have decided to decline this suggestion and prefer to develop more frequently requested features instead. We hope you understand this.