Still on the toppic "Making Diadem more user friendly", Diadem is really limitated when it goes on X offsets. Somebody who wants in a report to superimpose two curves who do not begin at the same X value have to calcute the offset and set up 2 time chanells to get the whished result. Being able to move the curves yith the öouse or have a dedicated function in report could be helpful.
The easiest (to use and, I suppose, to develop) would be something alike to the "offset korrektur"/"offest correction" but applied for 2 curves. One can either chose a minimal, a maximal or both on the 2 curves and make those 2 to 4 points superimpose. With the 4 points choice, one can imagine that the curves will auto-rescale.
Florian Abry
Inside Sales Engineer, NI Germany
Thank you for your request. We understand your suggestion but given the age of this entry and the fact that just a few sponsors are supporting it, we have decided to decline this suggestion and prefer to develop more frequently requested features instead. We hope you understand this.