DIAdem 2014 shipped with a new 2D Table column type called "Text List", which enables you to input static string constants or @@ expressions on a per row basis, without using channels in the Data Portal. Thanks for the great suggestion!
Brad Turpin
DIAdem Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
I would suggest that it should be possible to create simple texts in table form in the report without having to create and fill data channels. For example, to display setpoints in Reports with recurring measurements.
Have you tried the "Text List" table type? That does allow you to type in specific string constants or expressions in different table cells directly, without needing any values present in channels...
DIAdem 2014 shipped with a new 2D Table column type called "Text List", which enables you to input static string constants or @@ expressions on a per row basis, without using channels in the Data Portal. Thanks for the great suggestion!
Hi M.Pauly,
DIAdem 2014 shipped with a new 2D Table column type called "Text List", which enables you to input static string constants or @@ expressions on a per row basis, without using channels in the Data Portal. Thanks for the great suggestion!
Brad Turpin
DIAdem Product Support Engineer
National Instruments