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Time domain Ordertracking

Status: Under Consideration


Thank you for your request. R&D has read this suggestion and it will be included in feature planning discussions for future DIAdem versions. But because of the huge numbers of possible DIAdem extensions and the fact that just a few sponsors are supporting it, we gave this request a very low priority.



Include an rotational speed depending filterring function to extract ordern in a time signal

NI Employee (retired)

Actually "Order Analysis in Time Domain" is doing this.


You need a signal over time and a RPM channel with the rotational speed. DIAdem calculates a band pass filter based on the RPM and extract orders over time or at specific rotational speeds.


I don't know if this is matching your needs. If not, it would be interesting to have a more specific description of the functionality you need.


Hi Ulrich,


thank you for your response. This function seems to suit perfectly but I can not interpret the result. It seems to me that the result is the amplitude trend but I would expect a sinusoidal time signal. Do you know what the result excatly is?

I would like to use the order to substract it from the raw time signal.

Thank you in advance


NI Employee (retired)



DIAdem is calculating a moving band pass related to the RMP for a specific order. The result is a time signal that is not stored. DIAdem uses the filtered signal to calculate RMS-values at specific times or RPMs and this is stored as the result.


The filtered time signal would not help you a lot because a sine at the order would get a phase displacement and subtract this from the raw signal would not eliminate this order.


You need a moving band stop, that cuts out the signal at a frequency band around the order and store this as new time signal. Unfortunately this is not implemented in the scope of order tracking. We have to take this as a idea for future developments.




this is exactly what I need. Would it be possible to compensate phaseshift in the offline Signal?



NI Employee (retired)

I'm sure this is not going to work. We have real world measurements without pure sine waves, with a limited precision of the RPMs, and the filter is changed only in steps, so it is impossible to calculate a precise phase displacement.


It might be possible to do the calculation with a completely different method. I have send you a private message, because I need additional data to evaluate this method.

NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Under Consideration


Thank you for your request. R&D has read this suggestion and it will be included in feature planning discussions for future DIAdem versions. But because of the huge numbers of possible DIAdem extensions and the fact that just a few sponsors are supporting it, we gave this request a very low priority.

