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"add or replace" for data objects

Status: Declined


Thank you for your request. We understand your suggestion but given the age of this entry and the fact that just a few sponsors are supporting it, we have decided to decline this suggestion and prefer to develop more frequently requested features instead. We hope you understand this. 




When developing scripts, I frequently add channel groups for analysis results, using


call data.root.channelgroups.add("analysis")


However, when re-running the scripts, successive groups "analysis1", "analysis2" etc. are created. This is a handy feature that I should not want to miss at some times, BUT

at other times I want to skip the creation of new channel groups. As a work-around I litter my code with 'exist'-statements such as


If not call data.root.channelgroups.exists("analysis") then

       call data.root.channelgroups.add("analysis")

end if

Set oResGrp = data.root.channelgroups("analysis")


Now, my suggestion is to add a command such as "AddOrReplace" or "Use", which would use the existing group if it exists and creates a new group if not. Pretty much the same behaviour as with the calculator, where

CH("NewChannel")= CH("oldChannel") will create a new channel or overwrite an existing one.



call data.root.channelgroups.add("analysis")

would work as we know it and

call data.root.channelgroups.Use("analysis")

would create a new object or use the existing one.

Alternatively one could supply an optional paramter to the .Add-method like

call data.root.channelgroups.add("analysis",0)

 as default using the well-known behaviour whereas

call data.root.channelgroups.add("analysis",1)

would change to create or replace.


Obviously the same would come in handy for channels or other objects that use an .add-method.


Thank you



Trusted Enthusiast

Hi Michael,


I would find that handy also.


Thanks for the suggestion,

Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support

National Instruments

NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Declined


Thank you for your request. We understand your suggestion but given the age of this entry and the fact that just a few sponsors are supporting it, we have decided to decline this suggestion and prefer to develop more frequently requested features instead. We hope you understand this. 

