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Ability to show the Project Window's "Logical View" and "Files View" (ctrl-e) side-by-side

Status: New

The seperate views are great.  This would be more useful if we could view items and files at the same time


[admin edit] Clarified title of post, and removed comments below related to clarifying the title.

Proven Zealot

I can imagine a ">>" button to expand a panel instead of having two tabs, and in that case, if selecting a file in the project window it'd also mark the same file in the explorer window, and the opposite.


G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
Active Participant

Like both chilidog's idea and Yameda's suggestion.

André Manzolli

Mechanical Engineer
Certified LabVIEW Developer - CLD
LabVIEW Champion
Curitiba - PR - Brazil

How many kudos and comments are required before critical mass is achieved to get this in a future version of LabVIEW?

Knight of NI Knight of NI
Knight of NI

How many kudos and comments are required before critical mass is achieved to get this in a future version of LabVIEW?


The answer is simultaneously "none", "unknowable" and "a lot more than 7".


None, because the popularity of ideas is only one factor in whether NI works on a specific idea or not. You have ideas with hundreds of votes which haven't made it in yet and you have ideas with a very low number which did. Other factors might be how easy an idea is to implement, how it relates to a group of related ideas which NI wants to put it together, is it an idea which some developer at NI likes and chooses to implement on their own time, etc.


Unknowable, because the value of kudos can change over time.


A lot more than 7, because that's where the popular ideas are today.


Personally, I can't say I feel a real need for this idea. About the only time I feel I might need it is if I remove a file from the project and want to delete it at the same time, and that has a reasonable workaround for the number of times I actually do it. I don't think the idea is bad, but I don't need it either.

Try to take over the world!

Really nice idea that I just was going to submit, when I found that it already existed 🙂

AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

Speaking as a member of LabVIEW R&D, I need to ask: Why this would be useful? The idea just says to do this, but it doesn't give me any information about what use case would be helped. What could you do with the side-by-side view that you cannot do today? What effect are you trying to achieve by putting the two views side-by-side. Do you need them to be in the same window? Different windows? Do you need some way of scrolling to common sync points (i..e the same file in both views)? What are you trying to accomplish that makes you want this dual view?


Speaking as a LV user and not speaking for R&D as a whole, I do not see any need for this. I cannot imagine wanting this in my projects. In my projects, the two trees are deliberately very different, so I would never do any diff-comparison between the two structures. If I absolutely needed them to align (I can't imagine wanting to do that, but I might get that as an assignment if I were working on someone else's code), I would use autopopulating folders and thus have the two views merged, removing the need for side-by-side view.


Overall, I have strong doubts about the utility of this feature. I would need to hear use cases to reevaluate.



Stephen, your're right, autopopulation is the way to go if you need alignment. But if your looking at someone elses project, and you want to get a grasp of how the project is organized,  it would help if you could see both the logical and the file view side by side.

AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

Lars-Goran: Ok, that's a use case. Thanks. I don't think it sways my thoughts on the UI, but I appreciate knowing why the feature is coming up. It might help us think better about the features overall even if we don't tackle this specific request. Note that I am no where near the final arbiter on these ideas, just the one most vocal to the community. 🙂

Knight of NI Knight of NI
Knight of NI

If this is something that you really need and you don't actually need all of the project editing functionality, you should be able to implement this yourself - you would need to use VI scripting to read all of the relevant info from the project to populate a tree and then look at the disk hierarchy of the VIs in the project to populate a second tree. Doable, but annoying to get right.

Try to take over the world!
Proven Zealot



you quickly run into trouble with FPGA targets and whatnot if memory serves me correctly since they do not all have appropriate implementations in VI server if memory serves me correctly.