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Add "Text File" to the "New" pull-right menu in the Project Explorer window

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 3 kudos within 3 years after posting will be automatically declined.

From within the Project Explorer; it would be very useful to have the option to add a text file (*.txt) to the project, class or .lvlib.

At present the options are, as shown below:




Adding text files will give the developer a simple method of creating documentation notes, that can be copied and pasted later.


[admin edit: updated title of idea to make it more clear that creating a new text file is the goal]



Knight of NI

Add or create?  You can currently add a text file.  But your screenshot implies creating a new text file from the project.

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I assume you are asking for a feature to Create a new text file from project explorer. In my opinion I never had the requirement to create text or any other file directly from LabVIEW PE. Generally for documentation you would do that in the respective VIs. And for any of my project I didn't have the necessasity to *create* a text file to my project. 


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself

To crossrulz:

Sorry, it was a bit ambiguous:

Yes you can "Add" a text file by using "Add"->"File" and then browsing to a text file (or use Windows Explorer to further right click and a create new file of any type). I would like the option to create a new text file from the "New" -> menu.


To P@Anand:

I have never had the requirement to create a new Web Service from LabVIEW PE, but it is there!

What if you are architecting a solution and don't actually have any vi's yet, am I expected to create a vi to act as a text file to make notes about the architecture?

Maybe this is more of a phillosophical request and should be rejected until we agree the problem, but in my mind there are a few issues:

  1. The majority of LabVIEW projects (I have seen) have had no or very little planning or documentation
  2. The documentation tools within LabVIEW are Essential but are grossly under-used, perhaps partially due to the fact that they are hidden away.

Last night it seemed fairly obvious to me, I was planning a simple project and started to workout a few things and just wanted to throw some notes together as I was working through the problem. I expected that, to create a working LabVIEW project I should have all the tools I need within the LabVIEW environment and not have to leave (the "Add"-> "File" option is effectively 3rd party option).

I want to see developers "spoon fed" documentation options, but I now see that this may be better discussed in another forum.


Trusted Enthusiast

You cannot compare LabVIEW Web service with a generic Text file creation. 

What if you are architecting a solution and don't actually have any vi's yet, am I expected to create a vi to act as a text file to make notes about the architecture?

My answer is Yes. We don't use VIs for documenting an architecture but we do a overall design of the architecture in LabVIEW VI. 

You are proposing an idea for a temporary use, thats why I am trying to know the justification for that.


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself

To P@Anand:

Thankyou for your comments, but we disagree on this issue. Every project I create whether it is written with LabVIEW, C++, Python or ASM, I create a readme.txt within the project, as a matter of course.

It is only my intention to guide LabVIEW developers from SW Engineering convention to LabVIEW, rather than the accepted vector of HW Engineering to SW Engineering methodology. I appreciate the latters use case, but it is false economy to expect HW Engineers to architect SW Solutions (in my experience). The text file is just symbolic of this approach (perhaps a little too subtle).

What I am looking at are configuration items (entities) that the Project owns:

Every project in every language has a readme.txt that is "owned" by the project. In order to keep the project "bounded" within the scope of the LabVIEW IDE there would need to be the option to create every ideal, best practice SW Engineering component within its bounds

Like I mentioned, perhaps I should take this discussion elsewhere, as this is more philosophical than I originally envisaged.

Knight of NI Knight of NI
Knight of NI

I agree with you that most software projects would benefit from being well structured. I don't think, however, that adding a shortcut for creating a txt file is desired. Here are some relevant points:


  1. Any kind of design on a project should ideally happen before you ever open LV. By the time you come to create a project, you should hopefully already have some documents.
  2. A readme file is specific to your case. You might use it, but other people won't. Why not create a Word file? Or an HTML file? Or any other type?
  3. You can create project from templates. This template can already have a readme file included. This is probably the best solution for you.
  4. You can create projects with code which will configure them. This could add even more customization.
  5. It is possible to create project providers, which should actually allow you to right click and create a txt file. I won't go into the details here, because it's not a fully public part of LV. You can search for it to find out more.

P.S. FWIW, the project has a metadata description built in which could be used for something like this too. It is, however, not as accessible as it could be because you have to right click the project and go into the properties dialog to see it.

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I rarely have spec documentation before I write code. Frequently a project gets stopped at the beginning because of hardware or 3rd party software compatibility issues. I tend to work on those potential problems before I even ask for a spec. Also, sometimes I would just like to add a note to a project folder. And why not a Word or HTML document? Doing this directly from the PE would make this a lot easier. Simple request for a simple idea. Kudos. 


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Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 3 kudos within 3 years after posting will be automatically declined.