When you have a cluster constant and you want to make the elements the same size, it would be nice if you just selected them and set them to the max or the min width.
You can select the items in the cluster and use the Maximum Width button on the toobarl. (It is under the 3rd button of the group.) It will resize all the selected elements to the width of the widest element.
Ravens - this does not currently exist on the block diagram (at least as of 2010 SP1), hence the idea
There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines "Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
Yes, you're right. I missed the part about the block diagram and was looking at a cluster on the front panel since that is usually where I would care more about the sizing of the elements.
I was just going to add this suggestion. But you beat me to it.
I often add parallel loops and parallel case structures, etc, to my diagram. It'd be nice to be able to resize them so they match. This will keeps your diagram neat and easy to read.
Then click on the Kudo button to register your vote which is what NI looks at for idea popularity. Just commenting that something is annoying doesn't do anything.
I was going to post this as well but found this on the idea exchange when I Googled this. RavensFan - I clicked Kudos as you suggested above to register my vote, but have another question. Will this post be looked at since the original idea was started so long ago? I am not familiar with the general workings of idea exchange.
ncm: All the ideas that are left open are still possible to implement, and, yes, we do get around to ideas that are a decade old. The LV dev team is a lot smaller than most users estimate, and often ideas wait until there are many ideas clustered around the same area to get implemented. Or they get a big kick of kudos and become a priority. Or some developer on the team realizes that he/she can do it without as much effort as previously thought.
I wouldn't hold out hope for this one ever being a reality. It's a nice-to-have from time-to-time, but my personal evaluation is that it would enable some diagram cleanliness, but it wouldn't add any new language capability, and therefore the dev time required is more extensive than the return on investment, especially given the low number of kudos.
Thank you so much for answering! This was good information on how new ideas are implemented. Definitely a bummer that its not a function but understand about the time vs reward aspect. I will try and get all my fellow LabVIEW coders that are as OCD as I am to give kudos if they like this idea as well.