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Allow multiple copies of the icon editor to be opened at the same time

Status: New

When working on classes or libraries I often find myself copying icons from one VI to another. I don't necessarily want to create an icon template for a handful of VIs that will be developed however it is a slow process to switch between the icon editors of different VIs to copy and paste icons. If multiple copies of the icon editor could be opened this would speed editing up considerably. This idea may not be as necessary if this idea is implemented however it still has it's merits.

Mark Yedinak
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

"Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot
Knight of NI



Same thing here... Copying icons for different methods within the classes, etc...

And wanting to preserve each layer, but only want to modify part of the text from one VI to the other.


Wish I could give you 50 kudos for this idea.


In general, it'd be great if the Icon Editor were modal only to the VI that launched it. Sometimes I'll wander away from the editor to do something else, and then return to LabVIEW with the intent on something unrelated to where I left it. Undisciplined, sure, but there you have it.