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Allow reorder in task bar

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 2 kudos within 2 years after posting will be automatically declined.

Sometimes opening one or more projects, s.b. can still loose the overview over all opened windows and VIs.


Unfortunately if you run your project and then finish it, labview will automatically add the newest window on the right side of the task bar.


This will cause a lot of searching and clicking through all opened windows because there's no chance to see if a file is dependend on project a or b.


It'd be great if there's an option allowing labview to automatically reorder the task bar program shortcuts as you may find in the attachment.


Vorschlag 1.png

Knight of NI

"lose the overview".    "Loose" is the opposite of tight.


Thanks RavensFan, seems like there's a spelling error. It certainly should read "lose".

Proven Zealot

I have this option today but it is more of an option of the operating system than it is of LabVIEW.  I use the 7+ Taskbar Tweaker program to force Windows to "Don't Group" at all.  And I can drag taskbar items around.  I also have Display Fusion for my taskbar on my second monitor and it seems to obey the dragging around rules as well.  I also use things like middle clicking a window closes it, not grouping pinned items, using smaller icons and buttons, and removing the gap between items.  It makes it a more useful environment when I have 20-50 windows open at once.

Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 2 kudos within 2 years after posting will be automatically declined.