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0 Kudos

Ban ctrl+drag block diagram expansion

Status: Declined

Any idea that has not received any kudos within a year after posting will be automatically declined.

I think this feature should be removed from LabVIEW. I have seen too many block diagrams when they add space in one case (left side), it grows. They go to the other frame of the case, expand smth next to right side and it becomes enormous. 


When used correctly it can be usefull, but if I do not need to shrink block diagrams just by removing this extra space, it will save much more time. 


May be it should be banned only inside multilayer structures...

Or licensed for architects only...

Knight of NI

What version of LabVIEW are you using?  Starting with LabVIEW 2015, you can see the effects of your expansion during the drag.  This should eleviate at least some of your frustration.

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Banning a tool seems rather extreme just because you don't know how to us it. You can always ctl z to undo results you don't like. Some LV tools take take a little practice and finesse to get acceptable results.


LabVIEW versions 5.0 - 2023

“All programmers are optimists”
― Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
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"When used correctly it can be useful", you said it! The problem is not the tool, is that some people don't know how to use it properly. The tool is utterly necessary. No kudos, sorry about that.

André Manzolli

Mechanical Engineer
Certified LabVIEW Developer - CLD
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Curitiba - PR - Brazil
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PaulG, crossrulz.

I do not have problems with using the tool. I deal a lot with the results of misusing this tool. As I said, time saved when using this tool is less than time spent on fixing VIs that somebody else has misused it. A lot of VIs that span 5 screens in each direction are a result of multiple expansions. I do not make such VIs, but I spend a lot of time editing them.


A great tool!. I use it pretty often. So no kudos, sorry.

It was only recently that I discovered it works on the front panel as well.

(However, up to now, I never use it on the front panel)

Active Participant



Just kidding. Not kudos. Anti-kudos even. LV without diagram expansion would be like waterskiing in the bathtub, or trying to solve Fermat on a post-it note, or playing scrabble with no vowels...

Proven Zealot

No kudo sorry.  Trying to enforce good coding practices by removing a feature successfully used by others is something I'm not a fan of.  We've all seen terrible code, and no amount of changes to the IDE are going to change that.

Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has not received any kudos within a year after posting will be automatically declined.