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Resettable Queue Max Elements

Status: Declined
Moved to CAR database. CAR#241807



I Hit on a post today that required a Queue function "work-a-round"


The Poster simply wanted to reset the property "Queue.MaxLen" and that property is quite buried.  (and look at the bug in probes on queues where "number of elements in queue" must = "0").


One solution was: ReSizeQue.png


A better (IMHO) solution would be to drop the "set" method of "Get Queue information" function on the BD and solve the problem with a single call of a vi.lib object.


"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Knight of NI

Not sure Why the .png ARGHHHH. the .png is fixed


"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Knight of NI

OP Here- by For(imstuck)

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

> (and look at the bug in probes on queues where "number of elements in queue" must = "0").


Look where? Nothing in your post or the thread tells me what bug you're complaining about. I probed the queues in your picture when they had zero elements. Didn't see anything wrong with them.

Knight of NI

Aristos Queue.


I believe he is referring to CAR241807 Probe provides incorrect information about Queue Status

Knight of NI


Ravens correct. Thanks for the link.  Probing when the queue has data the probe still shows 0 elements

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

Regarding the CAR: I looked into it, then I updated comments in that thread and updated the CAR with the actual issue. Workaround: Write a custom probe and do not use the To Probe String primitive.

NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Completed
Moved to CAR database. CAR#241807
NI Employee (retired)

I am changing the status from Completed to Declined because Completed should only be ideas that R&D see on Idea Exchange, actively developed on it based on the idea here, and it was added to the product.

NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Declined
Moved to CAR database. CAR#241807