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Signal Express has confusing units for Force (IEPE)

Status: Declined

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Labview Signal Express:


The only sensitivity units you can select for Acquire Signals >> DAQmx Acquire>> Analog Input>>Force>> Force (IEPE) are mVolts/N and mVolts/lb. When you type in a value less than one in sensitivity (example: ".5"), it puts the unit in "milli" (500m) which is confusing because the actual units should be 500 uVolts/N and are displayed as 500m mVolts/N. It would make more sense if the units were in Volts/N so then the sensitivity for (.5m Volts/N) would be 500u Volts/N.

National Instruments
Software Group Manager
1 Comment
Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 3 kudos within 3 years after posting will be automatically declined.