If one is editing the master layout and want to save it (just save, not "save as") it is necessary to go to ""File->Master Layout->Save"". The normal ""File->Save"" is greyed out and is not working. However, if one uses the short cut <ctrl+s> DIAdem saves the master layout, but as a normal page layout. So if the master layout was called "MyMasterLayout.TDRM", DIAdem saves a report file named "MyMasterLayout.TDRM.TDR" when <ctrl+s> is pressed which is, at least from my point of view, not a correct functionality. I would expect it to save the master layout and not a report page.
This can cause a bit confusing, especially if your editing the master layout, saving it using <ctlr+s> but when you start the script, none of the changes you have made occur.
The short cut <ctrl+s> should either save the master layout as such or not work at all when one is editing a master layout.
Thank you for your request. R&D has read this suggestion and it will be included in feature planning discussions for future DIAdem versions.