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Improved Help entry and script recording for "Converting Numeric Channels into XY-Channels"

Status: New

Today I was trying to find the SCRIPT command for "Converting Numeric Channels into XY-Channels" and could not easily find it or record a script to find it. So two requests here: (1) when recording a script, output the script or have a message that says 'sorry!' and (2) update the help with the correct script functions, similar to the other channel conversion functions.


I tried to record a script, executing the ANALYSIS function "Channel Functions -> Channels <-> XY Channels", but nothing showed up in the recorded script.  


Looking up the help reference for "Channels <-> XY-Channels" only shows how to display the dialog, Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnToXYChn")

All of the other "channel conversion" help documents show how to do this in SCRIPT, for example, "Numeric Channels <-> Complex Channels" shows "

ChnConvertNumericToComplex", similar for the Numeric to Time, Waveform, etc. My proposal is below:


Script Call:

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnToXYChn")


Set Group = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1)

Set XChannel = Group.Channels(1)

Set YChannel = Group.Channels(2)

Set YChannel.XRelation = XChannel