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Re: LOGO! PLC driver based on LabVIEW



I'm happy because these past 2 weeks I have been working to decode and interpret the communication between the LOGO! PLC and a PC. Well ... I finished this work and achieved the following:

-        Ask the status of communication between PC – LOGO! PLC

-        Ask the status of the PLC (The PLC responds RUN/STOP status)

-        Forcing the status of the PLC to RUN mode.

-        Forcing the status of the PLC to STOP mode.

-        Ask the current values (in real-time) of all channels of the PLC:

o 24 digital inputs

o 16 digital outputs

o 8 analog inputs

o 2 analog outputs

o 24 digital marks

o 6 analog marks

o 4 cursors

The application developed in LabVIEW performs the main function of communicate the Desktop / Laptop with PLC LOGO! (That is to say link National Instruments with Siemens ... ja ja). The software performs the following functions:

-        Monitors and displays all channels of the LOGO!

-        Choose the communication port.

-        The user can save in a file all the data, each configurable period.

I have made many tests with different logic modules, and it has not given any problems.

In the image attached, I show you some of the topologies that can be implemented knowing this protocol of communication. I ask you to spread this to engineers/technicians who design and implement these MICRO-AUTOMATION systems, in order to offer this Software applicable to supervisory system or data-logger device.

I'm ready to be able to help.

Carlos Calderón Córdova, Ing.
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
Grupo de Control, Automatización y Robótica
Escuela de Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones
Phone: (+593) 7-2570275 ext. 2650
Cell: 098663798
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Todd S.
NI Employee (retired)

Congrats! How are you using this setup in your application?

Todd S.
LabVIEW Community Manager
National Instruments

After repairing a few bugs in the code...
After improving the user interface ...
This is the final product:

Carlos Calderón Córdova, Ing.
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
Grupo de Control, Automatización y Robótica
Escuela de Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones
Phone: (+593) 7-2570275 ext. 2650
Cell: 098663798

Congratulations Carlos. It looks very nice. How can I get a copy ?


I would also be interested in receiving a copy.  Is this available somewhere?  I found this post on the Siemens website also, but could not find a place to download...Thanks...


Hi Maat. Carlos never replied.

I did find there is an excel/vba app somewhat similar listed among the Siemens forums. Sadly my German isn't up to understanding how it works to modify for my own use....I guess at the end of the day its hard to justify thee effort on the small systems run by logos.




In the top of this page is available to download it.

Carlos Calderón Córdova, Ing.
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
Grupo de Control, Automatización y Robótica
Escuela de Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones
Phone: (+593) 7-2570275 ext. 2650
Cell: 098663798

Thanks Carlos.


I've also been working on it.

Check the forum thread:


Hola CArlos, como estas?

me ha sido de gran ayuda tu desarrollo, pero tengo una pregunta... tu has podido aparte de monitorear, también controlar el LOGO? es decir poder desde labVIEW manipular las entradas y salidas?

no se como saber esas direcciones del PLC, tu las tienes? te agradezco me puedas comentar, pues estoy urgido de realizar esta práctica...

muchas gracias.


Hello Carlos,

Congratulations Carlos you have done an excellent work.Would you like to share with all of us also the Vi code except from the executable you posted?


Hello, Carlos.

It looks really amazing. I just have some doubts... Can u email me? or If possible can I email you ? If so... lemme know your email.


Pedro Lima

UNICAP's Student

Recife, Brazil