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Data Table display along with Graph

Status: Declined

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As per my knowledge we are not having any option currently for displaying data table along with graph.

This plot data table can have plot name along with current data.

See the sample below. Many times I need to display number of parameters on graph and current value need to see along with graph.

It will very useful if I get something like this in next table png.png

Knight of NI Knight of NI
Knight of NI

If you're using a chart (which is what your example shows), the Digital Display option in the menu will show the most recent value for each plot.


That said, it doesn't show the name. You need to show the plot legend for that and they're not necessarily aligned, but there's already an idea for that -


In any case, I wouldn't expect to see it in the next version. It's not marked as being in beta and NI often only implements ideas when it has several things that it wants to change in a specific area and it can take years before that happens.

Try to take over the world!
Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has not received any kudos within a year after posting will be automatically declined.