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Local variables redesign

Status: Completed
Available in NI LabVIEW 2010

Compared to plain terminals and references (for example), local and global variables are too big. They waste way too much space on a bulky frame.


In my applications, local variables often come in large groups (e.g. if I need to write values from a file to a group of controls inside a case to load a different default set for the controls) and I tend to partially overlap the locals to save diagram space. I would prefer a more economical design, e.g. as shown on the right.


Globals could have that little globe (not shown).


I am not sure if we really need to encode read vs. write in the frame thickness like for terminals, but it could easily be done by making the frame of the "write" versions thinner (same outer dimensions). I think the little triangle is enough to show the direction.


Message Edited by altenbach on 08-15-2009 09:31 AM
NI Employee (retired)
Sorry, as you said those are a result of gif compression.
NI Employee (retired)
Well guys unfortunately I have gotten a fair bit of negative feedback on the local variable glyph. People do not like the way it makes the local variable larger horizontally. So I would not expect to see that glyph in the final version. However all the other changes that we talked about including the changes to globals will still be in.
Trusted Enthusiast

Hey, from my point of view, that's by no means "unfortunate". There's still a very clear distinction between locals and globals - locals have nothing, globals have the globe. Can't wait to see the next release...

Active Participant
I don't think the "local target" glyph is working out, based on internal feedback. What do you think of using a "home" metaphor? Something like the one on the right here:Variables.png

Christina Rogers
Principal Product Owner, LabVIEW R&D
Knight of NI
It makes sense to me.
Active Participant
(We're considering adding the glyph back because otherwise the local variables can be nearly indistinguishable from ring constants).

Christina Rogers
Principal Product Owner, LabVIEW R&D

It would be nice if shared variables were included in this idea. 

Trusted Enthusiast

dwisti wrote:

It would be nice if shared variables were included in this idea. 



Create a new Idea. (This might not be as feasible, though, since Shared Variables have more terminals)


Laura F.
Active Participant
Status changed to: Completed
Available in NI LabVIEW 2010