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I would like to see the following methods from LabWindows/CVI and Labview added to the Measurement Studio TDMS. The "Create Linear Scaling Info" would be the most useful to me when converting from other data formats to TDMS. I really like being able to keep unscaled data with the scale factors and having the data automatically scaled when reading with TDMS libraries/dlls.


Methods from LabWindows/CVI API

Advanced Data Scaling  
Create Linear Scaling Info TDMS_CreateLinearScalingInfo
Create Polynomial Scaling Info TDMS_CreatePolynomialScalingInfo
Create Thermocouple Scaling Info TDMS_CreateThermocoupleScalingInfo
Create RTD Scaling Info TDMS_CreateRTDScalingInfo
Create Table Scaling Info TDMS_CreateTableScalingInfo
Create Strain Scaling Info TDMS_CreateStrainGageScalingInfo
Create Thermistor Scaling Info TDMS_CreateThermistorScalingInfo
Create Reciprocal Scaling Info TDMS_CreateReciprocalScalingInfo

Please add NI DataPlugin Capabilities to Measurement Studio. Of specific use to me would be the equivalent functionality of the following 2 VIs:

1. Convert to TDM or

2. List