after one year it it time to release a new version of our SP7 toolkit - v2019.6.0.6.
Only small changes and improvements have been imcorporated:
- New / Bug fix: connection to a S7-200 requires same TSAP-settings as Logo8. See here, why this change has been made
- New: a version VI lets you read out the version number of the API.
- New: Telegram size between API and S7 PLC is determined dynamically. Impacts S7-1500 & S7-400 only.
- New: More datatypes, like double or U32 for read/write DB.
- Bugfix: DB write Word array: standard value for "offset" was 10.
- Change: former error code 6010 is now splitted to several error codes.
- Change: improved doccumentation (help file AND quick reference guide).
You can find the updated quick reference guide here.
Kind regards,
Kudos are welcome...