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Dialog Debugging + Data Types

Status: Already Implemented

Hello toy_d,

Here you find some information about debugging SUD dialogs.


Your second request would require the support of VB, which is not planned. DIAdem supports VBS and VBS only supports the variable type “variant”.






work would be much easier for me if direct debugging of Dialogs would be possible. It should be like debugging of scripts.

You set a breakpoint, let the script run and when it is paused you can look for the values of variables and continue in single steps.

Debugging with the Microsoft Script debugger is not really a comfortable solution.


2) The data type "variant" is great. But sometimes a type definition would help much (I'm used to define the type of variables, even from Visual Basic).

I would have the need for a "type" definition to combine several values to "one variable". With this construction a function could give some values in one result (e.g. a vector) and it would save some calculation time or global variables.



type rgbcolor

   dim r

   dim g

   dim b

end type


dim color as long

dim a as rgbcolor


a = conv_rgb(color)


msgbox a.r & "  " & a.g & "   " & a.b


function conv_rgb(col_long as long) as rgbcolor


end function

1 Comment
NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Already Implemented

Hello toy_d,

Here you find some information about debugging SUD dialogs.


Your second request would require the support of VB, which is not planned. DIAdem supports VBS and VBS only supports the variable type “variant”.

