I have create an Element List filtering some channels of a group
Dim mSyncLst, iGrp
Set iGrp = Data.Root.ActiveChannelGroup
Set mSyncLst = Data.GetChannels(iGrp.Name & "/ABC*") 'List With Several Channels
I would like to add to the mSyncLst the channels containing DEF. e.g. Data.GetChannels(iGrp.Name & "/DEF*"), which also contains several channels. Using the method Add mSyncLst, only allows to append one channel each time.
Thank you
Since DIAdem 2014 there is the AddElementList method (see the online help for that topic).
set oList = data.CreateElementList
oList.Add(xxx) ' add one Data-Element to the collection
oList.AddElementList(yyy) ' add one Data-Element-List to the collection
Starting with DIAdem 2015 the method has an additional optional parameter selecting between different ways to merge the lists.