Currently the DIAdem Open has only one option:the Show Environment boolean. It would great if you also could input which .ddd file DIAdem should launch with.
The workaround is pretty hacky:
Use Sys Exec.VI to launch DIAdem with the /d command line argument to specify a Desktop file. Then if you want to use the LabVIEW Connectivity VIs, you will need to poll to see if DIAdem is launched before you use the DIAdem Open Reference VI because the Sys Exec call is asynchronous so it could return before DIAdem is actually running thus risking that you will launch a second instance of DIAdem with the open reference that does not use the .ddd file you wanted..
National Instruments
Thank you for your request. We understand your suggestion but given the age of this entry and the fact that just a few sponsors are supporting it, we have decided to decline this suggestion and prefer to develop more frequently requested features instead. We hope you understand this.