It would be great to have Python support for the NI-HSDIO PXI cards. It seems to be the only instrument type to explicitly left out of Modular Instruments python project.
Products with protocol decoding capabilities, like Virtual Bench for example, should feature a protocol word trigger capability.
For Example while debugging SPI on Virtual Bench with MSO it would be interesting to trigger if the 16 Bit Word mathches b001x0010x0000110 or h0A0A. This is a fairly common capability in the market. (
It would be nice to have also on 657x with the possibility of exporting on on PXI_TRIGx to synch up other instruments or even better, but more complex I understand, on 51xx scopes.
The PXIe-6570/6571 Digital Pattern instruments should have an option for a Halt On Failure mode. This can save test time when a large pattern burst fails a vector early in the pattern. This is a common feature in other semiconductor ATE.