PXI and Instrumentation Idea Exchange

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It would be great to have Python support for the NI-HSDIO PXI cards. It seems to be the only instrument type to explicitly left out of Modular Instruments python project.

Products with protocol decoding capabilities, like Virtual Bench for example, should feature a protocol word trigger capability.

For Example while debugging SPI on Virtual Bench with MSO it would be interesting to trigger if the 16 Bit Word mathches b001x0010x0000110 or h0A0A.  This is a fairly common capability in the market.  (http://literature.cdn.keysight.com/litweb/pdf/5990-3925EN.pdf)

It would be nice to have also on 657x with the possibility of exporting on on PXI_TRIGx to synch up other instruments or even better, but more complex I understand, on 51xx scopes.


Best Regards



Allow the Ni-Sync operate timing cards in PTP slave only mode for Windows and RealTime controllers.

The option source.ptp.SlaveOnly provides this functionality on RealTime devices, so why not for all use cases.

This is useful for startup in subnets without reliable connection to a reliable master

and also when PTP_TIMESCALE is false.




When set RFmx WLAN SEM sweeping time property to "Auto", the length of sweeping time is not long enough for 160/320M bandwidth to get a smooth SEM result for PA measurement. Making the sweeping time longer will get better SEM result. Customer wish RFmx WLAN tool could have the "Auto" sweep time value to be longer enough for better SEM results with PA in the loop.4_11be_MCS0_BW320MHz_Pout_lower_RTC.png

Hey Guys. I have a PXIe 5831, and am performing DPD with a thru (no DUT in the middle). I am outputting a WLAN waveform I found that at about 30% duty cycle and below, I start getting really bad EVM seemingly randomly. Looking at the spectrum produced noise all over, as well as the side band edges. The waveform just looks really bad.


With RFmx waveform creator, I have changed the dBFs backoff to 20dB, made the signal -20dBm power, and did a -15dB Runtime scaling in order to make sure that there's not something weird with the DAC being overloaded. I have also tried messing around with the power level of the Signal Generator, but it seems to occur at random power levels as well. The issue still occurs.


The DPD I tried are LUT and MP. The issue occurs with both, but seem to be more prominent with LUT.


Any and all ideas appreciated!

It would be nice if the frequency list mode in the NI-FGEN driver can accept variable amplitudes, an amplitude for each frequency/Duration in the list.

Yes, it sounds silly, but hear me out. It might be a worthwhile idea.


There's lots of Minecraft mods based around building factories and setting up systems to automate them. If players could use hardware from NI's product lineup, and program it over a virtual network the same way one would program the real thing, it could be a great way to introduce hobbyists to it, and give them some amount of experience that could carry over to working with actual hardware. A player could craft a PXI chassis and controller, add a redstone interface module or something like that, as well as craft a router that connects the equipment to a virtual network adapter. Also add a touch panel for good measure. Then you could use LabVIEW to deploy code to the in-game hardware.


I've never tried using LabVIEW with Minecraft in any way so this might not work well, but it might. If so, now that Community Edition is available, it's never been a better time!

See also my thread on the LAVA forum: https://lavag.org/topic/21761-has-anyone-thought-about-using-labview-with-modded-minecraft/