NI Package Management Idea Exchange

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NI Package Management Idea Exchange

Post your ideas that are related to NI package management. This includes NI Package Manager, NI Package Builder, creating NI packages (.nipkg), distributing NI packages (.nipkg), managing feeds, and more.

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I want to distribute my packages with a specific feed. This can be very usefull to distribute application to customer and push updates. But if we use a specific feed, it's not straightforward. We can use the nipkg CLI command to add/remove the feed but it's not so easy to deploy to customer. It's often more easy to request IT to let NI Package Manager to have Admin right than to allow bat file for example.


So my idea is to give ability to install a package that also register the feed. After install the package, it can have access to updates more easily. If he uninstall the package it can interresting to unregister the feed. In this way, it can be also easy to update the feed by pushing an update of the package.


Note : I tried to do it with pre and post install command without success.


Best regards.



When I go to download a new piece of NI software, there is an online installer which:

1) Installs the latest version of NIPM

2) Registers any needed feeds

3) Presents an installer dialog to user

4) Installs product

5) exits gracefully.


And is <10 KB in size.


It would be incredibly useful to be able to create such an installer through on of the available builder interfaces that points to (for instance) network feeds, or a partner feed, or something like that.


There are currently some "work arounds" but they all are rather complex, clunky, and require a level of BAT file execution that's not really easy.

(I could probably do this easier through LV coding, but if the LVRuntime isn't installed, that doesn't really help me :-))

There are situations packages may have conflicts with each other. If we can specify the conflicted packages in the package build spec, It will be very helpful.


This is an existing feature on JKI's VI Package Manager. It uninstalls conflicted package with the new install.

As discussed in this thread, it would be helpful to be able to programmatically change the NI Package Manager settings. I personally am interested in changing the highlighted defaults. Maybe this could be done via the NIPM command line interface. Or a setting file, so it could be deployed as a NI Package.

Settings of InterestSettings of Interest

It would be great if the feed-download command would accept parameters for:

  • Downloading a feed that's not in the current configuration (feed is in a directory)
  • Including dependencies in the download
  • Including EULAs in the download
  • Including recommended packages in the download
  • Including suggested packages in the download

It would be nice to create an offline installer that includes the NIPM bootstrapper installer from the NIPM CLI.

The installer payload would come from any of:

  • A feed in the current configuration
  • A feed from a directory on disk
  • A selection of installed packages
  • A selection of packages in a directory on disk

There would be options for indicating:

  • Which package(s) would always be installed
  • Whether to include Depends, EULAS, Suggests, and Recommends packages (resolved from current configuration and/or the source feed)


I've recently been able to do this with a ton of scripting but it would likely be so much cleaner and reliable if NIPM managed it all.

In distributing software to customers (particularly through an IT group), a lot of the NIPM interaction ends up happening through batch files in an automated way.  In these types of instances we're running into either:

a) we want a hard lock on the software version (software is propagated through internal feeds) or

b) the system may have intermittent/limited internet connectivity or a proxy is in use.


When installing NI products, release feeds are automagically added to the feed list... and I REALLY don't want them there.


There's a nice GUI button to disable this... but again... trying to do thing as "hands-off" for the user as possible.


Supposedly this used to be possible through editing a config file:


But as of 20.7.X this method no longer seems to work.


It would be great if this could be added to the CLI interface or contained in some sort of accessible file that can be manipulated.