You can add folders to the "inputs" in NIPB, and they will auto detect if files have been changed / added to the solution.
If you ad a folder (or a complex folder hierarchy) to a package, it disconnects ALL of the folders. I completely understand why this might be done, but it creates a slightly unexpected disconnect between the "inputs" and the "package workspace"
If files are updated, those updates propagate between both locations -- Great!
If files are added, those updates propagate to the Inputs, but NOT the workspace.
This can be pretty frustrating, especially for deeply nested folder structures...
My request is not that this is entirely switched, but rather an option to add a linked folder to the workspace... My thought is that this would function much like the "autopopulating folders" from labVIEW (vs snapshots) -- Though it would be nice if the base added folder could have it's name changed and still maintain the link (though not required).