NI Package Management Idea Exchange

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NI Package Management Idea Exchange

Post your ideas that are related to NI package management. This includes NI Package Manager, NI Package Builder, creating NI packages (.nipkg), distributing NI packages (.nipkg), managing feeds, and more.

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The old installer had an option to remove all NI Software via the command line:

Automating Uninstallation of NI Software - National Instruments


While the nipk  command line interface has the "remove" option there is no "remove all" feature. It is only possible to remove single packages.

Since NIPM creates/uses a custom/unique folder in %temp% for [Temp] files, it would be helpful to be able to create symbolic link to a file in [Temp] to be used in the custom executes. I ran into this trying to deploy a MSI installer with NIPB. If I had a way for NIPM to fill out the actual path to the .msi file in [Temp] in Post-Install action, I could easily have the msi installed silently and let NIPM delete the file aftwards for me. Instead I had to place the file somewhere else, [BootVolume], call install via Post-Install with my known path as an argument, and add a Post-Install All to delete the now unneeded .msi installer file.